Church Reopening Update

Living Stones Church Reopening

Hi Living Stones Church,

Living Stones Church Reopening

As many of you know, President Trump today said churches provide “essential services” and all governors should permit churches to reopen. This comes on the heels of Honolulu’s mayor yesterday authorizing the opening of Oahu churches. With the reopening, the CDC is releasing updated guidelines with specific directions for church gatherings. All good news!

So what does that mean for us? First, we will NOT have on-site services this Sunday. But we do believe on-site services will start within the next two weeks. Our plan for a phased-in reopening will include:

  • “On-site Church” at Alii Drive on Sunday mornings at 7:30, 9:00 & 10:30 am, with outside, socially-distanced seating only. That means our maximum seating will initially be about 1/4 the number we can usually seat outside per service. Services will be “touch free” and cloth face masks will be required. For now, there will be no children’s ministry or nursery available on-site.
  • “Home Church at LSC” on Sundays at 7:30, 9:00 or 10:30 am. This is an option for those who have young children, health concerns, or prefer their living room with a few friends over scrambling for an outdoor seat. Home Church at LSC gives you an opportunity to invite a few people to join you Sundays to participate in our online worship, watch the message together, and enjoy face-to-face fellowship. We’ll send out a simple set of suggestions next week on how to do it.  

On-site services for Pine Trees Center will continue to be postponed for now. Stay tuned for updates!

The situation is changing rapidly, with more details likely by this Sunday, so tune in. But no matter how the situation may change, our mission remains the same: reach people with the Gospel, equip people as followers of Jesus, and send people to extend the Kingdom through the islands of Hawaii and beyond!

Much love,


A few other reminders of what’s coming up:

Join us online this Sunday as we continue our “Valley” series at 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am, &  6:00 pm.

LSC Community Help Project

Community Help Project food donation drop off and grocery pickup for those needing food, continues this Wednesday, 3:00 – 5:00 pm at Alii Drive site. For more info click here!

LSC Mid Week Services

Mid-Week Service is live-streamed at 6:30 pm Wednesdays. We are digging deeper into biblical and theological issues and we’d love for you to join as together we become better equipped to be culture of faith that pursues Spirit & Truth. For more info click here!

7:14 Worship & Intercession

“7:14” Prayer & Worship, where we come together to put 2 Chronicles 7:14 into action, will be streamed next Friday at 7:14 a.m. 

And last but not least, congratulations to all our high school graduates!!

How to Give Living Stones

Tithes and offerings can be given online here or mailed to Living Stones Church, P.O.Box 4205, Kailua-Kona, HI 96745.