COVID-19 Update 3/14/20

Dear Living Stones Church,

In honor of Governor Ige and the Hawaii Department of Health’s recent request that all gatherings of 100 people or more be postponed or cancelled, we are transitioning to only online services for tomorrow, March 15th

We are excited for you to join us online as our team provides full worship and preaching for 7:30am, 9am, 10:30am, and 6pm service times. You can access them through our website (Link Here), Church App (Link Here), YouTube or Facebook. There will be opportunities online to pray and to continue to give financially, even chat with a pastor and others during the livestream.

As we continue our series in Acts this week, it is God’s providential timing that we will be looking at the story of Paul in the storm (Acts 27). Here we see Paul demonstrating both great faith and great wisdom in tumultuous circumstances. As Living Stones, we get to be the example of both to our community. 

Here are a few things we are recommending for us as Living Stones this week:

  • Many of our church family are already gathering outside of Sunday services in small groups to fellowship, study the Word, and encourage one another. Do not stop meeting together in homes. Use wisdom. If you are not feeling well, skip that meeting for a couple weeks.
  • Lend a helping hand to those who are at higher risk. Offer to do their shopping or share some extra TP.
  • Check in on those who might not have online access. Help the family stay connected.
  • Watch our Facebook, Instagram, and website for any updates.

See you online tomorrow! 

Much love to you all,

Ryan and Bill