“Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call His name Immanuel.”
Isaiah 7:14
Dear living stones,
The Christmas season has gotten off to a great start at Living Stones, with 14 baptized a few days ago, followed by an amazing Radiant Women’s Christmas Celebration last weekend, a pre-Christmas worship night at Pine Tree Center, and a recent report of a 22% increase from 2022 in Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes collected from West Hawaii!

Our new message series leading up to Christmas will have an “Advent” focus. It involves looking backward and forward. That is, looking back at Jesus’ birth and forward to everything His birth at Christmas put into motion. It’s about how we live now, preparing for Jesus’ return and eternity to come.

“Children’s Christmas Play” is this Sunday, December 10, 6 pm, on the lawn at our Alii Drive site. Join us for this declaration of what Christmas is about from some of our 5-14 year olds.

Junior High and High School Christmas parties are on
Tuesday, December 12 & Thursday, December 14.
Both will be on break until mid-January.

Make your plans now to join us on Sunday, December 24, for what we’re praying will be the most memorable CHRISTMAS EVE ever at Living Stones! Services will be at 5pm & 7pm, on the oceanfront lawn at Alii Drive. With the Pacific Ocean as our backdrop, we’ll celebrate Jesus! It’s an evening that offers a unique opportunity to invite your not-yet-Christian friends to hear what Christmas is all about and how they can receive the benefits of what Jesus accomplished in His time on planet earth. In addition, we’ll continue our wonderful tradition of worship with carols, dance, candle lighting.
A few suggestions of what you can do:
a) Pray
b) Invite friends & family. Get the word out through social media and emails.
c) Volunteer to help at one of the services HERE.

Plan your YEAR-END GIVING. We’re grateful for your investment in what God has been doing through Living Stones Church ministries during 2023. As we look ahead to 2024 and beyond, we want to maximize every opportunity to extend the Kingdom of God in Hawaii and any place else doors are opened. Your year-end giving enables us to be ready. You can give by mail to
Living Stones Church, P.O. Box 4205, Kailua-Kona, HI 97645 or online HERE.
(No offering will be taken Christmas Eve.)
PLEASE NOTE: No services on Saturday, December 23 & no Sunday morning services on December 24.
Merry Christmas,
To keep up with everything going on this summer and beyond, follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and subscribe to our YouTube channel.