Jesus Saves

“And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
Acts 2:21

The Bad News

Every human has a major dilemma. They have sinned and have no way of getting the stain out. It marks us permanently.

 We are trapped by the bad things we do, even if they are a secret to everyone but ourselves. God is perfect and good and wonderful. When we are around Him, it is impossible to be unaware of the difference in ourselves.

It drives some people to despair. Some people hide. Some try not to care. But the truth is, our sin keeps us from God, whether we choose to accept it or not, whether we like that story or not.

The Good News

Enter the good news. God decided to come to the rescue. Everything that was broken and stained and hopeless in our lives, He said He will replace with the squeaky clean record Jesus had when He lived a perfect life on earth.

God said He will cover us in Christ’s righteousness. That means Jesus took our bad record, our ugliness, our failed attempts at goodness and hung on the cross as a sacrifice and substitute for us.

He took our place. In exchange, God graciously says we can have all of Jesus’ perfection.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” – 2 Corinthians 5:17

Your response

If your heart is stirred right now. If you are squirming reading this, then chances are, the Holy Spirit is speaking to your spirit, calling you to Himself. He desires relationship with you. He made you and loves you.

All that is left is for you to respond. Don’t walk away from His voice and allow space to deafen His voice. Surrender your life to Him. Today is your day.

“Today is the day of salvation.” – 2 Corinthians 6:2

Salvation Prayer

God, I give up my way of doing life without You. I accept your gift of Jesus. I place you in charge of everything in my life and I don’t hold anything back. It’s all yours! I am sorry for taking your place as boss of my life. Today, and for the rest of my life, take control!

Thank you that you have now forgiven me and made me pure and holy because of what Jesus did on the cross. Thank you that I am now your son/daughter and get to live forever with you in heaven. Thank you that I do not have to bring you anything but my surrender and sincere heart and You do the rest.

Fill me with power to do your will and to walk with you. Holy Spirit please come and make a home in my heart. Fill me today.

Congratulations! We’re thrilled you’ve decided to give your life to Jesus. We’d love to help you on this journey. Please fill out the form below to get started.

One of the best ways to find connection is coming to church.

No-one can walk this Christian life alone. After you commit your life to Jesus, you need to find fellowship with other people pursuing God! We would love to welcome you into the family at Living Stones. Whether you decide to come to this church or another, we pray you thrive and grow in this new journey of faith.

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